Friday 4 May 2007

2007 - Phew !

It is a relief it is all over, and judging by the faces at t he OIC, when we all went up to sign the document, there were a lot of tided but content councillors there.
I was flattered by the number of votes I got, thank you to all who gave me a vote.
I will try to be an approachable and open councillor, and will try to do what I can (within the law!) to solve peoples problems, to work on ward issues and to be a reasoned thinker in council meetings.

It will be a busy 2 months now, as I have to hand in my notice and work 2 months for ODf / Dial-a-Bus. I will ask if I can remain employed in a part time capacity, as there are some projects I have not finished and some that are about to take off - and I would like to see them through.

This will interfere a bit (but not stop) with my OIC work until the end of June, but then I should have time to devote properly to the councillor job.

Finally, I am keen to work with Davy, Alan and Roderick; and I feel sure we will work well as a team.
Feel free to call me on 875969 if you wish to discuss OIC matters.

Thanks again.


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